What’s next for Spark

We’re thrilled to announce a generous grant from the Knight Foundation for the launch of Spark Co. What does this mean? What is entailed in the aforementioned Spark Co?

Since we’re in the middle of hosting Spark Camp: Visionaries, Leaders and Managers, please let us quote directly from our blogpost posted over at Knight:

“The goal of Spark Co is to creatively convene and organize our growing network of innovators spanning journalism, media and technology. These tracks will involve more specific, industry-oriented events and larger festivals, as well as collaborative projects and publications between participants.

Spark Camps, which have been at the heart of our endeavor, will be joined by more specific, industry-oriented events and larger festivals. We aren’t interested in creating mini-replicas of camp. Each event will have its own format and we’ll carefully select who attends to create the most diverse and interesting conversations possible.

We already have one new event on the calendar for early this fall. Following the next Spark Camp, we’ll host a summit for newsrooms at CUNY.Together the events will build and network a community of open-minded innovators invested in social impact.

Events are just one of the many tools to bolster our network. Some of the Knight grant will cover the costs of a database and other nuts-and-bolts infrastructure. We can’t divulge specifics yet, but with additional support we hope to soon launch a Spark Prize.”

For more details, here’s the Knight Foundation’s press release.

Campers, please send any and all requests or suggestions to us for future events. Expanding from Spark Camps to Spark Co won’t happen without creative partnerships or adding to our team. If you or your organization would like to join us, just email us (info@sparkcamp.com).